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How to Set up an RSS Auto Feed

Here we'll go through setting up an Auto Feed Automation to auto-post your RSS feed to social media

Karl Fountain
RSS Auto Feed
RSS Auto Feed

What is Covered in this Guide

About RSS Auto Feed

Steps to Set up an RSS Auto Feed

First Steps

RSS Feed Details

Post Captions

Fine Tuning the Auto Feed Settings

Choosing the Type of Post

Before performing these steps, make sure you have connected at least one social media account to CoPost

About RSS Auto Feed

CoPost's Auto Feed feature allows you to connect your RSS feed and define settings on how you would like the automation to run. After this is set up you can leave it to run on it's own, CoPost will check the feed for new items every hour, 6 hours or 24 hours depending on the frequency you choose and import any new items and add them to a publishing queue.

Steps to Set up an RSS Auto Feed

First Steps

  • Click on Auto Feed on the left-hand menu.
  • Click on the Add Automation button
Auto Feed NavBar
Auto Feed NavBar
  • Click on Add Automation on the RSS card
Click Add Automation - RSS
Click Add Automation - RSS

RSS Feed Details

  • Fill in the URL of your RSS feed
  • Make sure the URL you are using is a valid RSS feed, you can check the feed by going to the URL in the browser and should look something like this one Example RSS Feed
Add URL and Name
Add URL and Name

Post Captions

  • Choose whether to use AI to create your captions or use a template for each post that is created.
Choose between AI or Template for the Caption
Choose between AI or Template for the Caption

Fine Tuning the Auto Feed Settings

  • Here we can customize the auto feed further

- Choose the frequency of which CoPost will check for new items.

- Create a new post slot collection to add new posts to or choose an existing one, see more here on creating post slot collections.

- You can add a follow up comment that will be posted as a comment to each post, the comment can also have a conditional delay.

- Conditional keywords allow you to specify one of more words to act as a filter, items can be included or excluded from the auto feed based upon the keywords you define.

- Marking the posts as drafts will schedule each post but with a status of Scheduled Draft meaning they will need to be manually approved before the scheduled date before they can be posted online.

- Enable queue jump mode means that when new items are found and added to the Auto Feed, the new items will go straight to the front of the queue, pushing other items back one place.

- Only import future articles will setup the Auto Feed with a blank queue, any new items found after setup will be imported and added to the queue.

- Limit the first import will allow you to choose the top x amount of items on the initial import, this setting will not affect the subsequent auto imports.

Fine Tuning the Auto Feed Settings
Fine Tuning the Auto Feed Settings

Choosing the Type of Post

  • Finally choose the post type that this automation will create.

- Single image post will attach the main or first image found to the post.

- Link post will not attach any images, the post will display on social media as a website preview.

Choose the Post Type
Choose the Post Type

After an Auto Feed is created, you can edit the settings and the new settings will be used for any new items found

And that's all for this guide, your Auto Feed will start running and importing items to the queue

We are always here to help so please reach out to [email protected] with any questions or requests!

Thank you!